Facility Site ID: 199 Cleanup Site ID: 536

The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Ross Complex is part of the Department of Energy (DOE) control center for electricity throughout the Pacific Northwest. BPA’s dangerous waste management facility is located on a 250-acre property in Vancouver, Washington. Past activities at BPA resulted in soil and groundwater contamination.

In 1989, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) listed the BPA Ross Complex as a Superfund Site because of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in groundwater near the City of Vancouver’s drinking water supply. The EPA was the lead agency conducting the cleanup. 

Cleanup activities included

  • Soil excavation, treatment, and capping.
  • Redevelopment safeguards. 
  • Monitoring the natural movement of contaminants in the groundwater.  

In 1995, EPA conducted an inspection of the facility and determined that the cleanup was successful. The site is continually monitored and contaminants remain within acceptable levels.

For more information about cleanup at the Site, go to the EPA Site's homepage: US DOE BPA Ross Complex.

To Find More Information About Cleanup Sites

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These tools also show completed cleanups.

Technical Reports 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
BPA Ross Permit Modification Public Letter 4/13/2017 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • EPA Records Center
    1200 Sixth Ave, Ste 900
    Seattle, 98101
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.

Contaminants 1

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Metals - Metals Priority Pollutants R
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.