Valid Values - Labs

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Laboratory Name Accreditation Id Phone Number Active Alias
Analytical Technologies Inc, Renton WA (became Maxim Analytical, MultiChem Analytical, closed 2000) Y Maxim Analytical Sciences LLC (April-July 1996), MultiChem Analytical Services LLC (July 1996-March 2000)
Anatek Labs Inc, Moscow ID 595 (208) 883-2839 Y
Anatek Labs Inc, Spokane WA 585 (509) 838-3999 Y
Anchor QEA Geochemistry Lab, Portland OR (503) 924-6170 Y
Apex Laboratories LLC, Tigard OR 903 (503) 718-2323 Y
APPL Inc, Fresno CA 790 (559) 275-2175 Y
Applied Analytical Services NW, Tukwila WA 597 (425) 207-8345 Y
Applied Speciation & Consulting, Bothell WA 888 (425) 483-3300 Y Applied Speciation & Consulting, Tukwila WA (moved from on 10/1/2009)
Applied Speciation & Consulting, Tukwila WA (moved 10/1/09, see lab detail for current info) (425) 483-3300 Y Applied Speciation & Consulting, Bothell WA (moved here in 2009)
Aqua Test Inc, Black Diamond WA 568 (425)432-9360 Y
AquaMarine Environmental Services - Kathy Welch Taxonomist, Edmunds WA (425) 776-3074 Y
Aquatic Analysts, Friday Harbor WA (503) 869-5032 Y
Aquatic Biology Associates Inc, Corvallis OR 541-752-1568 Y
Aquatic Entomology - Mindy Allen Taxonomist , Shelton WA (360) 427-5325 Y
Aquatic Research Inc, Seattle WA 550 (206) 632-2715 Y IEH Analytical
Arlington Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Arlington WA 728 (360) 403-3509 Y
Arthur D Little Laboratory, Cambridge MA (617) 532-9550 Y
Asotin Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Asotin WA 724 (509) 243-4187 Y
Associated Laboratories, Orange CA (through 12/31/2012) Y
Atmospheric Analysis & Consulting Inc, Ventura CA 986 (805) 650-1642 Y
Avocet Environmental Testing, Bellingham WA 602 (360) 734-9033 Y
AXYS Analytical Services LTD, Sidney BC Canada (through 2016-9-30) 404 (888) 373 0881 Y AXYS Analytical Services LTD, Sidney BC Canada
B & P Laboratories Inc, Seattle WA 589 (206) 937-3644 Y
Bainbridge Island Dept of Public Works Lab, Bainbridge Island WA 405 (206) 842-2016 Y
Battelle Duxbury Operations, Duxbury MA 560 (781) 952-5200 Y
Battelle Marine Sciences Lab, Sequim WA 560 (360) 681-3631 Y
Battelle PNNL Advanced Inorganic Group, Richland WA (509) 372-6035 Y
BC Research Inc (BCRI), Burnaby BC Canada (5/9/00-1/21/04) 80 (604) 734-7276 Y CANTEST, Burnaby BC Canada (2)
Beacon Environmental, Bel Air MD (410)-838-8780 Y
Bellingham Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Bellingham WA 669 (360) 778-7870 Y
Benton City Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Benton City WA 407 (509) 588-3322 Y
Benton-Franklin Health District Lab, Kennewick WA 408 (509) 460-4206 Y
Beta Analytic Inc, Miami FL (305) 667-5167 Y
Bingen Wastewater Laboratory, Bingen WA 409 (509) 493-3787 Y
Bio Research Laboratories Inc, Redmond WA 572 (425) 869-4224 Y
Bioassay Testing Services, Tacoma WA (9/16/92-1/12/98) (253) 922-4296 Y Rainier Environmental -- Fife WA
Biologic Resources LLC, Tigard OR (503) 670-1312 Y
Birch Bay Water and Sewer District Lab, Blaine WA 747 (360) 371-2400 Y
Blaine Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Blaine WA 1501 (360) 371-5549 Y
BLM/USU National Aquatic Monitoring Center, Logan UT (435) 797-3945 Y
Bodycote Testing Group, Santa Fe Springs CA (through 10/8/09, see lab detail for current info) 2051 (562) 948-2225 Y Exova Lab - Santa Fe Springs CA
Boise White Paper LLC Lab, Wallula WA 614 (509) 545-3318 Y
Bonner Analytical Testing Company, Hattiesburg MS (601) 264-2854 Y
Boston Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Olympia WA 410 (360) 754-2930 Y
Bremerton Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Bremerton WA 689 (360) 473-5446 Y
Brewster Wastewater Lab, Brewster WA 730 (509) 689-0350 Y
Bridgeport Wastewater Lab, Bridgeport WA 738 (509) 686-5653 Y
Brooks Applied Labs, Seattle WA 603 (206) 632-6206 Y Applied Speciation and Consulting, Bothell WA
Brooks Rand Labs, Seattle WA 603 (206) 753-6119 Y Brooks Applied Labs
Brown and Caldwell Laboratories, Pasadena CA (closed) (818) 795-7553 Y
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