A map with the facility/site. Continue on this page to hear information about where the facility/site is located.
Sound Transit BRT BT307
Kenmore and Bothell WA 98028
GIS latitude:
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Ecology region:
Location description:
a section of NE Bothell Way (SR 522) spanning from 300 feet east of the intersection with SR522 and 61st Avenue Northeast in Kenmore, west to 98th Avenue NE in Bothell. Along 98th Avenue NE from SR 522 to NE 185th Street. Along NE 185th Street from 98th Avenue NE to Beardslee Boulevard. Along Beardslee Boulevard from just south of NE 185th Street to the Interstate 405 (I-405) southbound on-ramp.
General permit issued to owner/operators of construction projects that disturb 1 or more acres of land through clearing, grading, excavating, or stockpiling of fill material that discharge stormwater to state waters.