A map with the facility/site. Continue on this page to hear information about where the facility/site is located.
Systemic Pedestrian Treatment RRFB
Bremerton WA 98337
GIS latitude:
GIS longitude:
Ecology region:
Location description:
13th Street and Chester Avenue – S14, T24N, R1E
4th Street and Warren Avenue – S14, T24N, R1E
Perry Avenue and Holman Road – S12, T24N, R1E
Perry Avenue and Stone Way – S12, T24N, R1E
Sheridan Road and Cherry Avenue – S12, T24N, R1E
Sylvan Way and Spruce Avenue – S1, T24N, R1E
Sylvan Way and Halverson Avenue – S1, T24N, R1E
General permit issued to owner/operators of construction projects that disturb 1 or more acres of land through clearing, grading, excavating, or stockpiling of fill material that discharge stormwater to state waters.