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Port of Longview
10 PORT WAY LONGVIEW WA 98632-1019
GIS latitude:
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Ecology region:
Location description:
Legislative district:
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Tribal land:
Alternate names
Also known as
Port of Longview
Port of Longview - Berths 1 & 2
Port of Longview TPH
Port of Longview, Berths 1 & 2
Interactions for this facility/site
Interaction Interaction description Ecology program Ecology program contact Program ID Start date End date
Underground Storage Tank Any one or combination of tanks (including connecting underground pipes) that is used to contain regulated substances and has a tank volume of ten percent or more beneath the surface of the ground. This term does not include any of the exempt UST systems specified in WAC 173-360A-0110(1) or any piping connected thereto. See WAC 173-360A. TOXICS
8263 6/1/1957
Hazardous Waste Generator Facilities that generate any quantity of a dangerous waste.  They may be classified as SQG, MQG, or LQG depending on hazardous waste generated for a given month. HAZWASTE 800-874-2022
WAD061486858 9/6/1983 12/31/2004
LUST Facility A release related to a regulated leaking underground storage tank system is associated with the site. TOXICS
8263 10/15/1992
Haz Waste Management Activity Facilities that are required to have an EPA/State ID number but who do not generate and/or manage hazardous waste (XQG generator status).  This includes transporters, used oil recycler's, and dangerous waste fuel marketers and burners. HAZWASTE 800-874-2022
WAD061486858 12/31/2004 12/31/2010
Air Qual Local Authority Reg Small sources governed only by local air authorities. AIRQUAL (360) 407-6806
E0150121 1/1/1900
Industrial to POTW/Private SWD Industrial state waste discharge permit for facility that discharges pretreated wastewater to a public or privately owned treatment works (POTW). WATQUAL (360) 407-6400
ST0006081 12/6/1990
Industrial SW GP General permit issued to industries to regulate the discharge of contaminated stormwater to state waters. WATQUAL (360) 407-6400
WAR001242 12/18/1992
Non Enforcement Final A Non-Enforcement action (i.e. permit, notice of construction, etc.) was finalized, issued to the respective party, indicating the non-enforcement action was taken. WATQUAL (360) 407-6712
Hazardous Waste Generator Facilities that generate any quantity of a dangerous waste.  They may be classified as SQG, MQG, or LQG depending on hazardous waste generated for a given month. HAZWASTE 800-874-2022
WAD061486858 12/31/2010 12/31/2012
SEA Project Site A SEA Project Site is a location where a proposed activity has triggered an Ecology action, on or after January 1, 2004, based on its authority from Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, and/or the State Water Pollution Control Act (90.48 RCW). The activity may be pending or Ecology has taken some action (denied or approved a permit, conducted an enforcement action, etc.). Examples of projects include: commercial, residential, or industrial developments involving fill of wetlands; dredging and other in-water activities; bridge crossings; etc. SEA 360-742-2826
Hazardous Waste Planner Under Chapter 173-307 WAC, facilities that report under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning/Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA), or that generate more than 2,640 pounds of hazardous waste per year, must prepare Pollution Prevention Plans.  HAZWASTE (360) 999-3657
WAD061486858 5/20/1993 8/1/2005
Haz Waste Management Activity Facilities that are required to have an EPA/State ID number but who do not generate and/or manage hazardous waste (XQG generator status).  This includes transporters, used oil recycler's, and dangerous waste fuel marketers and burners. HAZWASTE 800-874-2022
WAD061486858 12/31/2012 12/31/2013
Hazardous Waste Generator Facilities that generate any quantity of a dangerous waste.  They may be classified as SQG, MQG, or LQG depending on hazardous waste generated for a given month. HAZWASTE 800-874-2022
WAD061486858 12/31/2013
Construction SW GP General permit issued to owner/operators of construction projects that disturb 1 or more acres of land through clearing, grading, excavating, or stockpiling of fill material that discharge stormwater to state waters. WATQUAL (360) 407-6400
WAR302343 7/2/2014 9/12/2014
Non Enforcement Final A Non-Enforcement action (i.e. permit, notice of construction, etc.) was finalized, issued to the respective party, indicating the non-enforcement action was taken. SEA (360) 407-6712
Hazardous Waste Planner Under Chapter 173-307 WAC, facilities that report under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning/Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA), or that generate more than 2,640 pounds of hazardous waste per year, must prepare Pollution Prevention Plans.  HAZWASTE (360) 999-3657
WAD061486858 5/8/2015 5/3/2018
Non Enforcement Final A Non-Enforcement action (i.e. permit, notice of construction, etc.) was finalized, issued to the respective party, indicating the non-enforcement action was taken. WATRES (360) 407-6712
Hazardous Waste Planner Under Chapter 173-307 WAC, facilities that report under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning/Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA), or that generate more than 2,640 pounds of hazardous waste per year, must prepare Pollution Prevention Plans.  HAZWASTE (360) 999-3657
WAD061486858 5/10/2019 3/16/2020
Industrial to POTW/Private SWD Industrial state waste discharge permit for facility that discharges pretreated wastewater to a public or privately owned treatment works (POTW). WATQUAL (360) 407-6400
ST0006263 8/24/2018
Emergency/Haz Chem Rpt TIER2 Businesses that store 10,000 pounds or more of a hazardous chemical or 500 pounds or less, depending on the chemical, of an extremely hazardous chemical on site at any one time must report annually. Reports are sent to the State Emergency Response Commission [represented by Ecology] Local Emergency Planning Committees, and local fire departments for emergency planning. [product, not waste] HAZWASTE (360) 407-6171
CRK000096170 2/25/2021
NAICS codes for this facility
Code Description
483211 Inland Water Freight Transportation
49311 General Warehousing and Storage
SIC codes for this facility
Code Description