Contour of Washington State as Ecology's logo Fertilizer : Production Mt. Rainier as HWTR logo

Fertilizer Database

Search the database to learn if the fertilizer you buy contains waste or heavy metals. The database lists fertilizers for sale that meet Washington’s rules for:

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Why do we register fertilizers?

Washington takes a two-step approach to develop safeguards for fertilizer products used on Washington soils:

  1. Washington Standards for Metals sets safe, maximum levels for adding metals to soil through the use of fertilizers.
  2. Ecology requires fertilizers to comply with all applicable solid waste and hazardous waste laws.

The benefit of adding wastes to fertilizer is that these materials are put to use rather than discarded (for example, some manure). However, some wastes used in fertilizers contain substances that don’t benefit plants and can be hazardous.


Learn more about fertilizer registration or contact Jon Jennings at 360-407-6755.