Sound Mattress & Felt Co
Agreed Order Finalized For Planning Cleanup
Ecology signed Agreed Order DE 19403. The Agreed Order requires planning the cleanup at the site.
A fact sheet briefly summarizes information about the site.
Ecology held a comment period from February 10 to March 13, 2022, inviting comments on Agreed Order DE 19403 and the Public Participation Plan.
We received a comment during the comment period. The Responsiveness Summary provides our response to the comment received.
Ecology made no changes to the Agreed Order or the Public Participation Plan based on the comment period.
Ecology staff is overseeing the project to ensure that human health and the environment are protected.
Site Description
The Site is on East 11th Street near the Sitcum Waterway in the the Tacoma Tideflats. The Site is about 10 acres and includes nearby properties. The affected properties are on Thorne Road and Sitcum Plaza, on railway property, and street right-of-ways next to these properties. The Port owns the three affected parcels (2275200661 (also known as Parcel 91), 695000502, and 2275200633).
In 1948, Washington Steel Products constructed a building on Parcel 91. The facility made metal products. In 1964, Sound Mattress and Felt Co. purchased the parcel and leased it to several businesses, including Brown and Haley, Inc.
In 2006-2007, the Port purchased Parcel 91 and in 2014-2015 demolished the building. Now trucks and trailers are stored there. The Port’s administration building is across the street on the other side of East Sitcum Way, next to the Sitcum Waterway.
From about 2004 to 2006, several independent investigations showed that chemicals hazardous to human health and the environment are present in groundwater above state cleanup standards.
Chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) are metal degreasing solvents. CVOCs like tetrachloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE), dichloroethene (DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC) are present in groundwater above state cleanup levels.
The area of solvent contamination in groundwater is called a plume. The plume of PCE is likely being chemically broken-down in some areas by naturally occurring microbes to form TCE, DCE, and VC.Metals in soil are suspected to be present in concentrations above state cleanup levels. The metal contaminants in soil include arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc.
Previous Cleanup Actions
The owners of Sound Mattress entered into Ecology's Voluntary Cleanup Program in 2007. Between 2007 and 2017, Sound Mattress completed several site investigations.
In 2010, building materials and coatings containing PCBs were discovered in the warehouse building on Parcel 91. PCBs leached into soil and groundwater surrounding the building and were discovered in the stormwater system. In late 2014 to early 2015, the Port excavated contaminated soil surrounding the building, removed solids from the storm sewer catch basin, removed PCB-containing materials from the building, and demolished the building. The contaminated soil, solids, PCB-containing building materials, and building demolition debris were disposed of offsite in permitted hazardous (Subtitle C) and non-hazardous solid waste (Subtitle D) landfills.
Nearby the Site is a large US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund site, Commencement Bay, Nearshore/Tide Flats, that was placed on the National Priorities List in 1983. EPA’s site encompasses 12 square miles of shallow water, shoreline, and adjacent land that includes an active commercial seaport. Due to widespread contamination, EPA divided the site into several units managed as distinct cleanup sites. The Sitcum Waterway sediment unit was part of the EPA’s site. The Sitcum Waterway was cleaned up by dredging to remove contaminated sediments.
Documents 19
Legal 3
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co RI-FS-dCAP Agreed Order | 4/7/2022 | Agreed Order |
Sound Mattress & Felt Port PLP Determination Letter | 11/10/2020 | Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter |
Sound Mattress & Felt Wyeth PLP Determination Letter | 11/10/2020 | Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter |
Outreach Information 3
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Responsiveness Summary | 4/1/2022 | Responsiveness Summary |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Agreed Order Fact Sheet | 1/19/2022 | Fact Sheet\Public Notices |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Public Participation Plan | 1/18/2022 | Public Participation Plan |
Technical Reports 6
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Former Approval of Data Gaps Investigation Work Plan | 6/12/2024 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Ecology Approval – Extension of Submittal Date for Revised Work Plan, Sound Mattress & Felt Co Site | 2/14/2024 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Former - Port of Tacoma FS Rejection Request | 5/31/2017 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Former - Draft Feasibility Study | 3/14/2017 | Feasibility Study |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Former - Data Gap Investigation Report | 8/4/2010 | Site Specific Technical Document - other |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Former - Remedial Investigation Report | 12/9/2009 | Remedial Investigation Report |
Voluntary Cleanup Program 7
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co VCP Termination Letter | 11/10/2020 | VCP Administrative Document |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Former - SW0857 - Status Request Letter | 9/3/2020 | VCP Administrative Document |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Former - SW0857 - Opinion on FS | 9/27/2017 | VCP Opinion on Remedial Investigation |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Former - SW0857 - Response to Request for Rejection of Draft Feasilbilty Study | 6/13/2017 | VCP Technical Assistance |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Former - SW0857 - Further Action | 11/8/2010 | VCP Opinion on Site Cleanup – Other |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Former - SW0857 - VCP Agreement | 3/27/2007 | VCP Administrative Document |
Sound Mattress & Felt Co Former - SW0857- VCP Application | 3/27/2007 | VCP Administrative Document |
Places to see print documents
Southwest Regional Office300 Desmond Dr SELacey, 98503-1274Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.
Contaminants 5
Contaminant Type | Soil |
Groundwater |
Surface Water |
Air |
Sediment |
Bedrock |
Halogenated Organics - Halogenated Organics | S | C | ||||
Metals - Metals - Other | S | S | ||||
Metals - Arsenic | S | S | ||||
Halogenated Organics - Other Halogenated Organics | S | |||||
Non-Halogenated Organics - Benzene | S | S |
- S
- Suspected
- C
- Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
- B
- Below Cleanup Levels
- RA
- Remediated-Above
- RB
- Remediated-Below
- R
- Remediated