Facility Site ID: 53292855 Cleanup Site ID: 2624

  • Site Status

  • Cleanup Started

What's New?

Last updated March 29, 2024

Hexcel and Ecology are in the process of completing the Consent Decree, draft Cleanup Action Plan, Focused Feasibility Study report, Focused Remedial Investigation report, and State Environmental Policy Act Determination of Non-significance proposal. Once these documents are complete, they will go out for public comment.

Site Background

BSB Diversified (BSB) is the name of a cleanup site with three separate properties: BSB; J.H. Carr & Sons, Inc.; and, Hexcel Corporation Kent-Plant. This comment period is for cleanup activities for the Hexcel property only.

Hexcel is an industrial facility. Historically, a metal finishing and electroplating plant operated at the site. We require Hexcel to monitor groundwater to ensure that the current cleanup method is working.

Contamination on the property varies by location, and includes a chlorinated solvent called vinyl chloride. 

Site Contamination

The groundwater under parts of Hexcel is contaminated with volatile organic compounds from the breakdown of a solvent degreaser called trichloroethene (TCE), The breakdown products include vinyl chloride.  TCE was used in the maintenance and operation of a former metal plating operation at the Hexel facility.

Groundwater contamination

The major groundwater contamination likely originated from the TCE spilled or leaked at the BSB site. A soil-bentonite slurry wall that surrounds the BSB property and keeps the contaminated groundwater from leaving the BSB site. Historically, there were low concentrations TCE were detected at the Hexcel site. Today only volatile organic compounds that are breakdown products of TCE are detected at the Hexcel site.

Groundwater Contamination And Current Cleanup Actiities

Groundwater contamination likely came from a chemical degreaser called trichloroethylene (TCE) that spilled at the BSB site from the former metal plating operation. Under parts of BSB, the groundwater is contaminated with:

• Trichloroethylene (also known as trichloroethene or TCE)
• Volatile organic compounds from the breakdown of TCE, including vinyl chloride

The contaminated groundwater is currently contained behind a clay-soil barrier within the entire perimeter of the BSB property.  This barrier keeps the contaminated groundwater from leaving the BSB site. Historically, low concentrations of TCE were detected at the Hexcel site. Today only volatile organic compounds that are breakdown products of TCE are detected at the Hexcel site.

Hexcel monitors groundwater to ensure that the contaminants are breaking down through a cleanup method called enhanced in-situ (in place) bioremediation.  To speed up that process, Hexcel is injecting a non-toxic food with the same bacteria that naturally lives at the site.  This food feeds the bacteria and enables the population of bacteria to grow. The bacteria slowly breaks down the chemical contamination in the groundwater.  We oversee and review the results of these cleanup activities to ensure they are working.

Cleanup Process

Legal 3
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Hexcel Draft Environmental Covenant 1/3/2022 Environmental Covenant; Alternative Mechanism
Hexcel Corp Structures Enforcement Order 11/4/2005 Enforcement Order
Hexcel Corp Structures Agreed Order 1/24/2003 Agreed Order
Public Information 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
EJScreen Report 6/16/2018 Public Participation Plan
State Environmental Policy Act 2
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Hexcel Draft SEPA Determination of Non-Significance 1/3/2022 SEPA Documents
Hexcel Draft SEPA Checklist 1/3/2022 SEPA Documents
Technical Reports 10
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Environmental Monitoring Report, September 2022 12/13/2022 Progress Report
Hexcel Draft Cleanup Action Plan TABLES 1/6/2022 Cleanup Action Plan
Hexcel Draft Cleanup Action Plan FIGURES 1/6/2022 Cleanup Action Plan
Hexcel Draft Cleanup Action Plan FIGURE 2c Source-NonSource Site Map 1/6/2022 Cleanup Action Plan
Hexcel Draft Cleanup Action Plan FIGURE 2b 2022 Site Map 1/6/2022 Cleanup Action Plan
Hexcel Draft Cleanup Action Plan FIGURE 2a Historical Site Map 1/6/2022 Cleanup Action Plan
Hexcel Draft Cleanup Action Plan 1/6/2022 Cleanup Action Plan
Environmental Monitoring Report, September 2021 11/15/2021 Progress Report
Hexcel DRAFT Focused Feasibility Study 8/31/2018 Feasibility Study
Hexcel DRAFT Focused Remedial Investigation 8/30/2018 Remedial Investigation Report
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Contaminants 2

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Halogenated Organics - Halogenated Organics C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum Products-Unspecified S S
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.