Facility Site ID: 1436359 Cleanup Site ID: 5252

Site Background

The Newman’s Chevron site is a fuel station located within the City of Bremerton, Kitsap County at the intersection of 6th Street and Naval Avenue. The 0.39-acre site is located approximately 0.75 miles south of Dyes Inlet and 0.70 miles north of Sinclair Inlet in a mixed-use area. A fuel station and convenience store operated at the site from 1961 until 2008. Currently, the businesses on the property are closed, but the fuel pump stations, while inoperable, remain at the site.


The business at the site is closed. The fuel pumps, while inoperable, remain onsite. The property is level, with a slight grade (0-3%) to the southwest. Subsurface soil at the site consists of moist, sandy silt glacial till.

The depth to groundwater is unknown but estimated at 70-75 feet below ground surface (bgs), based on the nearest well logs to the site. The nearest active drinking water well is located approximately 2500 feet to the south and is used to fill the freshwater tanks of US Navy vessels.

Timeline Of Events


The site was reported to Ecology and was placed on the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) List (ID #7972).

Six underground storage tanks and a small quantity of petroleum-contaminated soil (PCS) were removed from the site and replaced with new underground storage tanks in 1990. A large quantity of PCS was left onsite due to stability concerns with the removal of the PCS.

February 3, 2000

Ecology performed Site Hazard Assessment.  The Site was ranked a 5. where “1” represents the highest risk and “5” represents the lowest risk.

March 3, 2001

The liable party entered into the Ecology Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP ) VCP ID No NW0620.
Ecology terminated the Voluntary Cleanup Program in October 23, 2003 due to non-response from applicant and inactivity.

February 6, 2018

Agreed Order was executed with the potential liable parties to require them to perform and complete the following items:

o   Conduct Remedial Investigation Field Activities

o   Submit a draft Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS)

o   Develop and submit to Ecology a preliminary Draft Cleanup Action Plan

August 14, 2020

Remedial Investigation Field Activities began.

Contaminants Of Concern

In soil:

·         Diesel and gasoline-range hydrocarbons

·         Benzene

·         Toluene

·         Ethylbenzene

·         Xylenes

Legal 7
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Newman's Chevron Draft Exh C Schedule Revised 02-06-2019 2/6/2019 Agreed Order Amendment
Newman's Chevron Agreed Order effective 02-06-2018 2/6/2018 Agreed Order
Newman's Chevron - Draft Agreed Order 2017 12/22/2017 Agreed Order
PLP Status Letter to Karin Newman for Newman's Chevron 11/14/2016 Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter
PLP Status Letter to Nordic for Newman's Chevron 05-25-2016 5/25/2016 Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter
PLP Status Letter to Victory Business Park for Newman's Chevron 4/27/2016 Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter
PLP Status Letter to Chevron for Newman's Chevron 4/27/2016 Final Potentially Liable Person Status Letter
Public Information 5
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Newmans Chevron Public Review Draft Feasibility Study Report 05-03-2024 5/3/2024 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Public Review Draft Remedial Investigation 5/26/2023 Public Participation Plan
Newman's Chevron - Public Participation Plan 2017 12/22/2017 Public Participation Plan
Newman's Chevron - Draft Agreed Order Fact Sheet Dec. 2017 12/22/2017 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Newman's Chevron - Agreed Order Fact Sheet Dec. 2017 12/22/2017 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Technical Reports 87
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Newmans Chevron Progress Report – October 2023 11-15-2023 11/15/2023 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report – July 2023 08-15-2023 8/15/2023 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report – June 2023 07-17-2023 7/17/2023 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report – May 2023 06-15-2023 6/15/2023 Progress Report
Newmans Chevron Public Review Draft RI Report 052623 5/26/2023 Remedial Investigation Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report – April 2023 05-15-2023 5/15/2023 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report for March 2023 04-17-2023 4/17/2023 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report – February 2023 03-15-2023 3/15/2023 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report – December 2022 01-17-2023 1/17/2023 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report – November 2022 12-15-2022 12/15/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report – September 2022 10-14-2022 10/14/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report - October 2022 10-14-2022 10/14/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report – August 2022 09-15-2022 9/15/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report – July 2022 08-15-2022 8/15/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Remedial Investigation Work Plan Addendum 02 Final 08-09-2022 8/9/2022 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Newman's Chevron Progress Report for June 2022 07-15-2022 7/15/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron HartCrowser HAR010 Progress Report 09-25-21 through 06-30-22 6/30/2022 Progress Report
Newmans Chevron Progress Report May 2022 06-15-2022 6/15/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report – April 2022 05-19-2022 5/19/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report 2022_04 05-19-2022 5/19/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report March 2022 04-15-2022 4/15/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report February 2022 03-15-2022 3/15/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report December 2022 02-15-2022 2/15/2022 Progress Report
Progress Report for December 2021 - Newman's Chevron Site 1/18/2022 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Site - Status of VIA and Completion of RI 01-15-2022 1/14/2022 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Progress Report for November 2021 - Newman's Chevron Site 12/15/2021 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron MPR_2020_07_AgencySubmittal 08-17-2020 8/17/2020 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron MPR_2020_06_AgencySubmittal 07-15-2020 7/15/2020 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron MPR_2020_04_AgencySubmittal 05-15-2020 5/15/2020 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron MPR_2020_03_AgencySubmittal 04-15-2020 4/15/2020 Progress Report
Newmans Chevron Progress Report March 2020 03-16-2020 3/16/2020 Progress Report
Newmans Chevron Request for Schedule Extension Ecology Response 03-13-2020 3/13/2020 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newmans Chevron Progress Report December 2019 01-15-2020 1/15/2020 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Update January 2020 01-10-2020 1/10/2020 Progress Report
Newmans Chevron Progress Report November 2019 12-13-2019 12/13/2019 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Remedial Investigation Work Plan Addendum 02 Final 11-20-2019 11/20/2019 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Newmans Chevron Progress Report October 2019 11-15-2019 11/15/2019 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Ecology Response to Jim Reed letter 10-22-2019 10/22/2019 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newman's Chevron Jim Reed response to Extension letter 10-17-2019 10/17/2019 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newmans Chevron Progress Report September 2019 10-15-2019 10/15/2019 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron DE 14246 180-day Extension Approved 09-30-2019 9/30/2019 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newmans Chevron Project Coordinator Change 09182019 9/18/2019 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newmans Chevron Progress Report August 2019 10-16-2019 9/16/2019 Progress Report
Ecology Initial Response NewmansChevron_Request for Schedule Extension 9/5/2019 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newmans Chevron Request for Schedule Extension RI Field Activities 8/28/2019 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newmans Chevron Progress Report July 2019 08-15-2019 8/15/2019 Progress Report
Texaco Strickland Site July 2019 Progress Report final 7_15_19 7/15/2019 Progress Report
Newmans Chevron Progress Report June 2019 07-15-2019 7/15/2019 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report April 2019 (05-15-2019) 5/15/2019 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Ecology response request for extension Approved April 29, 2019 4/29/2019 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newman's Chevron Background Summary Memo 04-24-2019 4/24/2019 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Newmans Chevron Request for Schedule Extension 041519 4/15/2019 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newman's Chevron Progress Report March 2019 (03-15-2019) 3/15/2019 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report Feb 2019 (03-15-2019) 3/15/2019 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report Jan 2019 (02-15-2019) 2/15/2019 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron RI Field Activities Extension Approved 1-31-2019 1/31/2019 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newman's Chevron Progress Report Dec 2018 (01-15-2019) 1/15/2019 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report Nov 2018 (12-17-2018) 12/17/2018 Progress Report
Newman's Summary of results of remedial investigation (RI) activities 12-10-2018 12/10/2018 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Newman's Summary of results of remedial investigation (RI) activities 12-10-2018 Site Map 12/10/2018 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Newman's Summary of results of remedial investigation (RI) activities 12-10-2018 Offsite Locations Figure 12/10/2018 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Newman's Summary of results of remedial investigation (RI) activities 12-10-2018 Draft Data Summary Tables 12/10/2018 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Newman's Chevron Request for Schedule Extension 12-10-18 12/10/2018 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newman's Chevron Progress Report Oct 2018 (11-15-2018) 11/15/2018 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report Sept 2018 (10-15-2018) 10/15/2018 Progress Report
Newman's Chevron Progress Report July-Aug 2018 (09-17-2018) 9/17/2018 Progress Report
Chevron Change of Contact Notice 09-10-2018 9/10/2018 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newman's Chevron RI WP SAP_Final 07-03 2018 7/3/2018 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Newmans Chevron Remedial Investigation Work Plan_Final_07032018 7/3/2018 Remedial Investigation Work Plan
Newman's RI Scoping & Planning Key Project Meeting final 2/28/2018 Site Specific Technical Document - other
RI Scoping & Planning Key Meeting 2/27/2018 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newman's Chevron Karin Newman Preliminary PLP Letter 10-20-2016 9/20/2016 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Wilkins-Nordic Response to WA Ecology PLP Status Newmans Chevron 204117 4/27/2016 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newman's Chevron Nordic Notice of Potential Liability 03-29-2016 3/29/2016 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newman's Chevron - Chevron Response to WA Ecology PLP Status 10/16/2015 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Victory Business Park Response Preliminary Status letter 10/12/2015 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Newman's Chevron Notice of Potential liability 09-17-2015 9/17/2015 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Site Hazard Assessment - Choice Texaco CSID 8224 10/31/2014 Site Hazard Assessment Report
Newman's Chevron - Site Hazard Assessment 2/3/2010 Site Hazard Assessment Report
Newman's Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment 09-2009 10/20/2009 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Newmans Phase II ESA 08-20-2009 8/20/2009 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Newmans Chevron - Additional Subsurface Assessment, Interim TPH Evaluation, and Soil Excavation Report 3/26/2001 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Newman's Additional Subsurface Assessment, Interim TPH Evaluation, and Soil Excavation Report 03-26-2001 3/16/2001 Interim Action Documents
Newman's PacificEnvironmental Tech Memo to Newman's 07-13-2000 7/13/2000 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Newman's Vapor Extraction Work Plan 10-17-1990 10/17/1990 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Newman's Hydrocarbon Remediation Report 09-12-1990 9/12/1990 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Newman's preliminary contamination assessment 08-27-1990 8/27/1990 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Voluntary Cleanup Program 3
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Newman's Chevron - VCP Opinion on Site Cleanup - No Further Action 10/22/2003 VCP Opinion on Site Cleanup – NFA
Newman's VCP Opinion on Independent Remedial Action 05-25-2001 5/25/2001 Voluntary Cleanup Program Opinion – Other
Newman's VCP Application 05-2001 5/1/2001 VCP Administrative Document
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Northwest Regional Office
    15700 Dayton Ave N
    Shoreline, 98133
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.
  • Kitsap Regional Library - Bremerton Library
    612 5th Street N.
    Bremerton, 98337
    This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.

Contaminants 4

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Non-Halogenated Organics - Non-Halogenated Solvents C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Benzene C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Gasoline C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Other C
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.