ST Services Nustar Energy LP

Facility Site ID: 61862781 Cleanup Site ID: 568

Site Description

The Site is located at the 5400 block on the west side of NW Fruit Valley Road. NuStar Terminals Operations Partnership L.P (NuStar) owns the property. The property is a tank farm with seven large aboveground storage tanks used to store petroleum products. In 2003, NuStar acquired the facility from Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives.

In 2001, Ecology learned about a gasoline spill, apparently due to equipment failure at an underground storage tank. Investigations showed that gasoline, diesel, naphthalene and BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes) contaminated soil and groundwater that needs to be addressed under the state’s cleanup law, the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA). Contamination needs to be cleaned up in three areas at the Site. 

Details on several of the contaminants:

Benzene is a colorless liquid that can evaporate quickly in air and can dissolve in water. It is one of the top 20 chemicals produced in the United States, and is also found naturally in crude oil. Industrial processes are the main source of benzene in the environment. For more information, visit

Toluene: Toluene occurs naturally in crude oil but is also created during the fuel production process. It is used to make a wide range of products including paints, adhesives and paint thinners. For more information, visit

Xylene:  Xylene is found naturally in petroleum and coal tar but is also produced from petroleum. It is one of the top 30 chemicals produced in the United States and is often used as a solvent in various industries. In gasoline, it is found in very small amounts. For more information, visit

Naphthalene:  Naphthalene is produced by burning tobacco or wood. It is used commercially to create plastics and in homes to repel moths (moth; balls). Naphthalene can be found in petroleum and coal. For more information, visit

For information on the risks of other contaminants present at the site, please visit the ATSDR database

Possible pathways of exposure: 

Groundwater: At the Site, groundwater is generally between 14 and 32 feet below the ground surface. The area of contamination in the groundwater is called a plume. There are three isolated groundwater plumes. Clark Public Utilities (CPU) is developing a drinking water supply well field located approximately 1,000 feet north of the Site that will supply water to the area. This supply well is anticipated to be online as early as 2023. The proposed remedy is anticipated to contain and treat the plumes and prevent them from migrating toward the CPU drinking water supply well.

Vapor intrusion: Vapor intrusion is not a concern at the Site because there are no structures in the vicinity of the contamination. Vapor intrusion is not anticipated to be a pathway since the property is currently developed as a tank farm with existing aboveground storage tanks and an associated piping system.  There are no structures on site where vapors could be a pathway to impact human health.

Soil: Petroleum contamination extends from 6 to 12 feet below ground near the truck loading area and from 4 to 21 feet below ground in the two plume areas on the western portion of the property.

Legal 3
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Agreed Order No. DE 19602 3/10/2023 Agreed Order
ST Services NuStar Energy LP - Agreed Order DE 19602 3/10/2023 Agreed Order
ST Services NuStar Energy LP Agreed Order 11/6/2008 Agreed Order
Public Information 4
Document Title Document Date Document Type
ST Services NuStar Energy LP Fact Sheet 2/9/2023 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
ST Services NuStar Energy LP Responsiveness Summary 11/1/2008 Responsiveness Summary
ST Services NuStar Energy LP Public Participation Plan 8/1/2008 Public Participation Plan
ST Services NuStar Energy LP Agreed Order for a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Available 8/1/2008 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
State Environmental Policy Act 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
ST Services NuStar Energy LP - SEPA Determination of Non-Significance 2/6/2023 SEPA Documents
Technical Reports 30
Document Title Document Date Document Type
NuStar Annex Terminal - Site Manager Change 4/24/2024 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
NuStar Vancouver Annes Terminal Site-Ecology Approval – Recirculation System Pilot Study Work Plan, NuStar Vancouver Annex Terminal Site, FSID 61862781 4/8/2024 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Ecology Approval Soil Management Plan Truck Loading Rack Area, NuStar Vancouver Annex Terminal Site 1/17/2024 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Schedule Extension for EDR 12/26/2023 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
NuStar Vancouver Annex Terminal Site - Revised Pilot Sudy 9/14/2023 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
ST Services NuStar Energy LP - Final Cleanup Action Plan 3/1/2023 Cleanup Action Plan
ST Services NuStar Energy LP - Supplemental RI/FS 11/16/2022 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study
ST Services NuStar Energy LP - Remedial Investigation Report 11/16/2022 Remedial Investigation Report
2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report 1/31/2022 Groundwater Monitoring Report
2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report 2/12/2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report
2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report 2/12/2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Supplemental Remedial Investigation and Revised Feasibility Study 10/23/2020 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study
ST Services NuStar Energy LP - Ecology Review Supplemental Remedial Investigation and Revised Feasibility Study 7/1/2020 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report 2/24/2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Proposed Alignment of Feasibility Study Schedule to Agreed Order 8/14/2019 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Additional Investigation Results Report NuStar Vancouver Annex Terminal 7/1/2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Pilot Study Results Report 1/18/2019 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Nustar Annex Terminal- Pilot Study Implementation 3/13/2018 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Additional Investigation Summary Report and Pilot Study Work Plan 8/2/2017 Remedial Investigation Report
September 2015 Groundwater Monitoring Results 11/5/2015 Groundwater Monitoring Report
June 2015 Groundwater Monitoring Results 8/12/2015 Groundwater Monitoring Report
March 2015 Groundwater Monitoring Results and Groundwater Investigation Workplan 5/28/2015 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Project Coordinator's Decision re Nustar Dispute 8/26/2014 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Remedial Investigation Report 12/29/2010 Remedial Investigation Report
Draft Remedial Investigation Work Plan 1/23/2009 Remedial Investigation Report
Results of Direct Push Groundwater Assessment 1/28/2008 Remedial Investigation Report
Groundwater Monitoring Report 2007 1/28/2008 Groundwater Monitoring Report
ST Services Nustar Energy LP Site Hazard Assessment 8/1/2006 Site Hazard Assessment Report
Evaluation of Migration Potential Due to proposed CPU Well Field 4/10/2004 Remedial Investigation Report
Two 2002 AMEC Reports, UST Removal and Assessment 5/1/2002 Remedial Investigation Report
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Southwest Regional Office
    300 Desmond Dr SE
    Lacey, 98503-1274
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.

Contaminants 2

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum Products-Unspecified C C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons C C
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.