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Accreditation in the matrix "Solid and Chemical Materials" can be used for testing both water and solid samples under the Model Toxics Control Act
(MTCA, see 173-340-830 WAC for approved methods).

Accreditation in the matrix "Solid and Chemical Materials" is required for testing Biosolids
(see 173-308-140 WAC for approved methods).

Accreditation in the matrix "Non-Potable Water" is required for testing samples for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System compliance
(NPDES, 40 CFR 136, see 40 CFR 136.3 for approved methods).

Accreditation in the matrix “Drinking Water” is required for testing samples for Safe Drinking Water Act compliance
(SDWA, 40 CFR 141, see Drinking Water Methods).

The printable lists of accredited labs in PDF format, below, are updated regularly. However, the most up-to-date information is in the Lab Search database.

All Accredited Labs By Name

Drinking Water By County

Drinking Water Labs with All Analyses