This map allows users to visualize data related to water quality in Washington State. It allows for the dynamic display of many data layers which inherently makes it difficult to describe. For questions concerning this map, please contact Jeremy Reiman, phone: (360) 407-6782, email:

Active filters:
Include lakes with data type of...
Aquatic plant data
Aquatic weeds grants
Vegetative management plans/reports
Toxic algae data
Toxic algae grants
Algae management plans/reports
Aquatic herbicide use data
Aquatic herbicide reports
Lake reports
Water quality data
Fish management reports
Limit by county
Limit by plant scientific name
Limit by plant common name
Find | Lake Name | County |
Distribution Value
DV (distribution value) is an estimate of density:
1 - few plants in only 1 or a few locations
2 - few plants, but with a wide patchy distribution
3 - plants growing in large patches, codominant with other plants
4 - plants in nearly monospecific patches, dominant
5 - thick growth covering the substrate at the exclusion of other species
9 - plant species present, but not assigned an index value
Field Notes
Field Collector:
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