Violation Details
Category:85% Design Criteria Warning (if exceeded for 3 consecutive months triggers permit action)
Type:Design Criteria (85%)
Date: 6/1/2020
Notes: High BOD and TSS readings at the influent are caused by grease and debris building up in the Parshall Flume where the composite sample tube is located. The town has instigated a robust cleaning of the flume on a regular basis. The town has also adopted a grease trap ordinance and is educating the local restaurants about the importance of the installation and maintenance of grease traps.
Monitoring Data
Parameter :Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)
Statistical Base:Average Monthly
Sample Type: Calculated
Non Report Reason:-
BenchMark Min:-   Max:-
Limit Min:-   Max:-
Design: 97
Design Warning:82.45
Violation Override: -
Related Enforcements

The process of tracking how violations and triggers are addressed through the system is new to PARIS. All of the historical violations which were addressed will not have a related enforcement.