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Maury Island Gravel Mine Hydrogeologic Impact Assessment

Publication number Date Published
00-10-026May 2000
VIEW NOW Maury Island Gravel Mine Hydrogeologic Impact Assessment (Number of pages: 101) (Publication Size: 17MB)
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Author(s) Pacific Groundwater Group
Description Glacier Northwest, Inc., a subsidiary of Lone Star Northwest, Inc., has applied to increase the rate of gravel extraction from its mine on the eastern shore of Maury Island. Under the proposal, the rate of gravel mining would increase to a maximum of 7.5 million tons annually. Mining would occur in up to 193 acres of the 235-acre site over 11 to 50 years. To assess certain hydrologic impacts associated with this expansion, Ecology contracted Pacific Groundwater Group to assess the issues.
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Contact Dave Garland at 425-649-7031
Keywords gravel, assessment, mining, groundwater
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 15 Kitsap

Maury Island Gravel Mine Hydrogeologic Impact Assessment: Tables and Figures

Maury Island Gravel Mine Hydrogeologic Impact Assessment: Appendices