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Georgia Basin - Puget Sound Ecosystem Indicators Report (Historical)

Publication number Date Published
02-01-002April 2002
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Author(s) U.S. / Canada multi-agency representatives
Description This report examines selective aspects of the state of the environment in the binational transboundary region consisting of the Puget Sound region in the United States and the Georgia Basin in Canada, including the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The report discusses six indicators that describe some of the stressors and human responses that account for the present state of this shared ecosystem. It represents an initial attempt to provide a sense of the current state and trends in this ecosystem in an integrated way across the Canada-United States boundary. The objective is to provide citizens, governments and other decision makers with information that can help them make better decisions for the future of this richly endowed yet fragile region that Canadians and Americans share.
NOTES This publication is obsolete and no longer available. For help, please contact the Ecology Library at 360-407-6150 or
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Contact Diane Schenk at 360-407-7117 or
Keywords POPs, PM10, Canada, basin, trend, solid waste, Puget Sound, recycling, PBTs, Growth Management
WEB PAGE Georgia Basin - Puget Sound Ecosystem Indicators Report

Georgia Basin-Puget Sound Ecosystem Indicators Report - Technical Backgrounders - Air Quality - PM10

Georgia Basin-Puget Sound Ecosystem Indicators Report - Technical Backgrounders: Contaminants in Harbour Seals

Georgia Basin-Puget Sound Ecosystem Indicators Report - Technical Backgrounders: Terrestrial Protected Areas

Georgia Basin-Puget Sound Ecosystem Indicators Report - Technical Backgrounders: Population

Georgia Basin-Puget Sound Ecosystem Indicators Report - Technical Backgrounders: Species At Risk

Georgia Basin-Puget Sound Ecosystem Indicators Report - Technical Backgrounders: Solid Waste