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Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Diquat Dibromide

Publication number Date Published
02-10-052November 2002
VIEW NOW Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Diquat Dibromide (Number of pages: 121) (Publication Size: 849KB)

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Author(s) Kathleen Emmett
Description The State of Washington Water Pollution Control Act (RCW 90.48) and the State Surface Water Quality Standards (Chapter 173-201A WAC) require the Department of Ecology (Ecology) to establish criteria and programs necessary to protect waters of the state. These standards articulate an intent to protect public health and maintain beneficial uses of surface waters, including recreational activities such as swimming, boating, and aesthetic enjoyment; public water supply; stock watering; fish migration and fish and shellfish, rearing, spawning, and harvesting; wildlife habitat, and commerce and navigation. Water Quality Standards (WQS) specifically allow Ecology to modify water quality criteria on a short-term basis to accommodate essential activities, respond to emergencies, or otherwise protect the public interest.
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Keywords environmental, surface water, fish, water, water quality, standards, quality, pollution, pollution control, environmental impact statement
WEB PAGE Aquatic Plants and Lakes Issues

Appendix A: Final Risk Assessments for Diquat Dibromide