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2021 Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas: Guidance Document

Publication number Date Published Date Revised
05-10-028March 2005March 2021
VIEW NOW 2021 Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas: Guidance Document (Number of pages: 149) (Publication Size: 4468KB)

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Author(s) Water Quality Program
Description The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) has revised the Critical Aquifer Recharge Area Guidance.

We are inviting public review and comment from March 10 to May 7, 2021.

This guidance helps local governments and residents understand what is required to protect groundwater resources under the Growth Management Act. Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas are considered Critical Areas because it protects groundwater that supplies local drinking water. Our guidance helps local governments plan and follow the state water quality standards.

The 2005 guidance needed revision to reflect current laws, rules, and practices. Areas that needed revision included:
• Reflecting GMA laws and rules about Critical Areas amended since 2005
• Reflecting outcomes of many cases that have been decided by the Growth Management Hearings Board and Superior Court since 2005
• Updating resource links and references to websites and publications
• Maintaining consistency with the Washington Department of Commerce Critical Areas Handbook, accessible from their Critical Areas webpage.

The 2005 document has since been replaced by the 2021 update.
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Contact Brian Johnson at 360-407-6600 or
Keywords guidance, water quality, quality, management, pollution prevention, groundwater, Growth Management, ground water, aquifer, groundwater protection
WEB PAGE Critical aquifer recharge areas