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Spills aren't Slick Brochure (Historical)

Publication number Date Published Date Revised
06-08-007May 2006July 2010
VIEW NOW This publication is historical. It is unavailable on our website. To request a copy, please use the contact listed below.
Author(s) Mary-Ellen Voss
Description As little as a quart of spilled oil, diesel or gasoline can contaminate acres of water and can prove deadly to all forms of marine life. Juvenile fish, shellfish larvae and other fragile and
essential sea life are extremely sensitive to even small amounts of oil
and other petroleum products.
Small spills (even a few drops) from inattentive or irresponsible fueling or from discharging oily bilge water can permanently harm our waters and degrade the enjoyment and
productivity of recreational and commercial boating.
A rainbow sheen around fueling docks or signs of bilge wastes indicate that damage is occurring. The accumulation and persistence of these oil products continually threaten our
entire marine environment.
The mission of the Department of Ecology is to protect, preserve, and enhance Washington’s environment. To help us meet that goal, please consider the environment before you print or request a copy.

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Keywords small spill, spill, pollution
WEB PAGE Pacific Oil Spill Prevention Education Team