Title | Preliminary Evaluation of Probable Costs and Benefits of Proposed Oil Transfer Rules (Historical) |
VIEW NOW | This publication is historical. It is unavailable on our website. To request a copy, please use the contact listed below. | ||||
Author(s) | Northwest Economic Associates | ||||
Description | Pursuant to RCW 34.05.328, prior to adopting a proposed rule, all agencies of the Washington State government must: “…(c) determine that the probable benefits of the rule are greater than its probable costs taking into account both the qualitative and quantitative benefits and costs and the specific directives of the statute being implemented; (d) determine, after considering alternative versions of the rule and the analysis required under…(c) of this subsection, that the rule being adopted is the least burdensome alternative for those required to comply with it that will achieve the general goals and specific objectives stated under (a) of this subsection.” This economic report contains a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) detailing the estimates of the expected costs and benefits that may result from implementing proposed WAC 173.180 and WAC 317.40 [Facility Oil Handling Standards; Vessel Oil Transfer Rule] and, is intended to satisfy RCW 34.05.328. |
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Contact | Spills Program Publications Coordinator at 360-407-7211 or spillspubs@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
Keywords | economic analysis, Oil transfer rules, vessel, cost analysis, rule, facilities, oil handling, oil transfer |
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