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Statewide CBRNE Response Program Final Report

Publication number Date Published
06-08-042October 2006
VIEW NOW Statewide CBRNE Response Program Final Report (Number of pages: 249) (Publication Size: 3455KB)

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Author(s) Patriot Technical Consultants, Inc.
Description This report provides an assessment of some of the significant hazards, both natural
and human caused, facing citizens of the state and outlines the capabilities and
shortfalls in meeting these hazards. The report also recommends enhancements
for overall preparedness in the state.

The highlighted feature of this assessment is the report on a proposed statewide CBRNE (chemical, biological, radioactive, nuclear, and explosive) Response Program. The report was created by the State Emergency Response Committee (SERC), a subcommittee of the Emergency Management Council (EMC), and is an analysis of Washington’s ability to respond to significant events involving CBRNE agents.

While the report acknowledges the strengths of CBRNE response programs statewide, it also reveals gaps between current capabilities and those required for effective, cost efficient, and safe responses to these types of incidents.
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Keywords CBRNE, explosive, hazmat, report to the legislature, radiological contamination, emergency, response, biological, report, study, chemical, nuclear, hazardous materials

Hazardous Materials Response Study