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Obsolete -Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement For The Columbia River Water Management Program (Historical)

Publication number Date Published
06-11-030October 2006
VIEW NOW This publication is historical. It is unavailable on our website. To request a copy, please use the contact listed below.
Author(s) EPA Adolphson
Description The Columbia River Basin in Washington is affected by a variety of water resource management problems that limit the availability of water for agriculture and economic development and for sufficient stream flows for fish species. Hundreds of water rights applications for new diversions from the Columbia River are pending, some for over a decade. Several of the communities along the river do not have adequate or reliable water rights for growth and economic development. State water rights issued since 1980 are subject to interruption during periods of low river flows. The Washington state legislature determined that a priority of water management in the Columbia River Basin is the development of new water supplies to meet the economic and community development needs of people and instream flow needs of fish. In 2006, the legislature enacted the Columbia River Water Management Act (Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill (ESSHB) 2860 – subsequently codified as Chapter 90.90 RCW) to address these issues. The proposal involves establishment of a Columbia River Water Management Program (Management Program) in response to the legislation.
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Keywords Water Management Program, water management, Columbia River, management, water resource
WEB PAGE Columbia River Water Management Program
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area CR Columbia River