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Investment Proposal Atlas - 2008-2009 Water Quality Improvement Projects (Historical)

Publication number Date Published
07-01-003January 2007
VIEW NOW This publication is historical. It is unavailable on our website. To request a copy, please use the contact listed below.
Author(s) McLain, Pat
Description To help fund water quality improvement projects throughout the state, grants and loans are available from three separate funding programs, but to make the
process simpler and more efficient for the applicants and the Department, Ecology uses a combined simplified process so that applicants can submit just one
application for all of the possible funding sources.
Ecology is tasked with meeting a wide range of water quality priorities and leveraging available grant and loan funds to meet numerous water quality needs
across the state. Priority needs range from stream restoration and protection projects to the construction of wastewater treatment plant upgrades in small,
financially distressed towns and the design and construction of new wastewater treatment plants in large urban areas.

Ecology administers three sources of funding for water quality projects.

*Centennial Clean Water Grant and Loan Program (Centennial), which receives money from the Water Quality Account (cigarette tax dedicated to water quality), the
State Building Construction Account (bonds), and the State Toxics Control Account.

*Federal Clean Water Act, Section 319 Nonpoint-Source Grant Program (Section 319), which is allocated through the General Fund-Federal (federal Environmental
Protection Agency [EPA] funds).

* Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program, which is supported by EPA Capitalization grants, state matching funds, and principal
and interest repayments.
NOTES This publication is obsolete and no longer available. For help, please contact the Ecology Library at 360-407-6150 or
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Contact Valerie Pearson at 360-407-6985
Keywords 319, Toxics Control Account, nonpoint, Centennial, money, environmental, water quality improvement, water quality improvement project, loans, Section 319, urban, water quality, quality, waste, State Toxics Control Account, pollution, pollution control, loan, grant, construction
WEB PAGE Water Quality Grants and Loans