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Fact Sheet: Emerald Kalama (Historical)

Publication number Date Published
07-07-052December 2007
VIEW NOW This publication is historical. It is unavailable on our website. To request a copy, please use the contact listed below.
Author(s) Tran, Ha
Description Ecology also proposes to modify the facility’s HWMA/RCRA Permit. The modification will incorporate by reference the Consent Decree to satisfy the facility’s corrective action (cleanup) requirements under the HWMA and RCRA. The modification will also reflect the Permittee’s submittal under permit condition IV.D.1, regarding the protection of the environment and at-risk species.

Ecology is providing a concurrent public comment period for the Consent Decree and the permit modification from December 24, 2007 to February 22, 2008.

This fact sheet describes the site overview, historical releases, and interim actions.
NOTES This publication is not available through this site. For help, please contact the Ecology Library at 360-407-6150 or
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WEB PAGE Emerald Kalama Chemical LLC Periodic Review
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 26 Cowlitz