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Protecting Our Water: How small businesses can help clean up the Spokane River

Publication number Date Published
08-01-023July 2008
VIEW NOW Protecting Our Water: How small businesses can help clean up the Spokane River (Number of pages: 2) (Publication Size: 289KB)

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Author(s) Beeler, Brook and Cochrane, Cathy
Description The state legislature in 2007 funded the Urban Waters Initiative program to look for sources of pollution to the Spokane River. Hazardous substances, such as PCBs, flame retardants, dioxins, furans and metals have been found at harmful levels in fish, water and river sediment. The Urban Waters program pays for specialists from the Department of Ecology and the Spokane Regional Health District to visit local businesses to identify potential pollution sources and improve environmental practices.

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Keywords small business, Inspection, health, Spokane River, water quality, technical assistance, Urban Waters Initiative, solid waste, recycling
WEB PAGE Ecology and the Community are Working Together to Restore and Protect the Spokane River
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 54 Lower Spokane