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Year 2008 Report on Activities to Implement Washington State’s Water Quality Plan to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution

Publication number Date Published
09-10-025March 2009
VIEW NOW Year 2008 Report on Activities to Implement Washington State’s Water Quality Plan to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution (Number of pages: 74) (Publication Size: 986KB)

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Author(s) Todd Bolster
Description In 2007, the department of Ecology evolved the nonpoint program as a result of learning from the previous years of program administration. Notably, Ecology began to more closely align the TMDL and nonpoint programs to better leverage an array of staff skills and to orient programmatic efforts toward achieving measurable results in the water column, not merely on paper. Subsequently, a new programmatic mantra was born—getting to clean water! While such a simple and overt goal seems intuitive, previous objectives were centered on the production of TMDLs and not necessarily focused on achieving the end result, i.e., cleaner water.

This report provides information about projects awarded funding, provides updates about other ongoing initiatives, and highlights some new aproaches to addressing nonpoint pollution problems.

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Contact Todd Bolster at 360-407-6551
Keywords water quality, pollution control
WEB PAGE Washington State's Plan to Control Nonpoint Pollution