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Quality Assurance Project Plan - Black Creek Temperature Monitoring

Publication number Date Published
10-10-033June 2010
VIEW NOW Quality Assurance Project Plan - Black Creek Temperature Monitoring (Number of pages: 19) (Publication Size: 482KB)

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Author(s) Betsy Dickes
Description Black Creek is in central Grays Harbor County, in the Washington State Department of Ecology’s (Ecology) Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 22. Black Creek is a tributary to the Wynoochee River, which is a major tributary to the Chehalis River. Black Creek is on the 303(d) list for temperature and has been since 1998. The category 5 listing is the result of data collected in 1990 by Ecology where water temperatures were found to exceed 18?C, the previous Class A standard. This 2010 study will monitor current water temperatures to determine if temperatures in Black Creek meet the Core Summer Salmonid Habitat water quality standard of 16?C.
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Contact Betsy Dickes at 360-407-6296
Keywords Grays Harbor County, temperature, 303(d), quality assurance project plan, water quality, monitoring
WEB PAGE TMDL Activity by County and WRIA - WRIA 22
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 22 Lower Chehalis

Effectiveness of Washington's Forest Practice Riparian Management Zone Regulations for Protection of Stream Temperature