Title | 2010 Report to the Legislature and Governor: Review of Water Resources Program Functions and Funding Structure--Recommendations for a Sustainable and Efficient Program (Historical) |
VIEW NOW | This publication is historical. It is unavailable on our website. To request a copy, please use the contact listed below. | ||||
Author(s) | Water Resources Program | ||||
Description | The Department of Ecology (Ecology) was directed by the Washington State Legislature to review current water resource functions and funding structures, and to report to the Legislature and the Governor by September 1, 2010, on improvements to make the program more self-sustaining and efficient. Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill (ESSSB) 6267, Sec. 2 states: Sufficient resources to support the department of ecology's water resource program are essential for effective and sustainable water management that provides certainty to processed applications. The department of ecology shall review current water resource functions and fee structures, and report to the legislature and the governor by September 1, 2010, on improvements to make the program more self-sustaining and efficient. This report identifies a number of efficiency improvements and makes specific recommendations for making the program more self–sustaining and less dependent upon State General Fund dollars. |
The mission of the Department of Ecology is to protect, preserve, and enhance Washington’s environment. To help us meet that goal, please consider the environment before you print or request a copy.
ADA Accessibility The Department of Ecology is committed to providing people with disabilities access to information and services by meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Washington State Policy #188. Visit Ecology’s website for more information. |
Contact | Ecology Library at 360-407-6150 or EcologyLibrary@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
Keywords | Water Rights, legislative, fees, compliance, water resource, watershed, well drilling, instream flow, drought, dam safety, adjudication | ||||
WATERSHED | Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA 37,WRIA 39,WRIA CR) |
Supplement to 2010 Report to the Legislature and Governor: Water Resources Program Functions and Fee Structure--Stakeholder and Public Comments |
Copyright © Washington State Department of Ecology. See https://ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Accountability-transparency/Our-website/Copyright-information.