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Lakewood Plaza Cleaners Groundwater Monitoring Results, June and October 2010

Publication number Date Published
11-03-011January 2011
VIEW NOW Lakewood Plaza Cleaners Groundwater Monitoring Results, June and October 2010 (Number of pages: 33) (Publication Size: 355KB)

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Author(s) Marti, P.
Description Annual groundwater monitoring at Lakewood Plaza Cleaners near Tacoma was conducted during June and October 2010.

Two wells had PCE concentrations higher than the MTCA cleanup level of 5 ug/L: monitoring wells MW-20B (130-520 ug/L) and MW-16A (85-61 ug/L).

PCE concentrations have varied since sampling began in 1991, but overall trends indicate that concentrations in well MW-20B are decreasing while concentrations in MW-16A are increasing.

The use of municipal wells H1/H2 to treat the contaminated groundwater continues since the cleanup goals have not been achieved. Early monitoring results projected compliance with the cleanup goals by the mid-1990s. Project data indicate that it will take much longer than the projected timeframe.
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Keywords samples, results, wells, water, Ecology, monitoring, groundwater
WEB PAGE Plaza Cleaners groundwater monitoring
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 12 Chambers-Clover
DATA Environmental Information Management (EIM) #LAKEWOOD


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Lakewood Plaza Cleaners Groundwater Monitoring Results, June 2012: Data Summary Report

Lakewood Plaza Cleaners Groundwater Monitoring Results, June and October 2011

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