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Procedures for Evaluating the Department of Ecology’s Statewide Flow Gaging Network

Publication number Date Published
11-03-064December 2011
VIEW NOW Procedures for Evaluating the Department of Ecology’s Statewide Flow Gaging Network (Number of pages: 21) (Publication Size: 248KB)

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Author(s) Pickett, P.
Description The Washington State Department of Ecology’s Gaging Strategy Workgroup was established in 2008. One of its goals is to develop a statewide strategy for the agency’s streamflow measurement network. This report describes some of the challenges in reaching that goal, and documents the procedures that have been developed to make decisions about the flow gaging network. These decisions can include establishing new stations, decommissioning or transferring existing stations to third parties, changing flow assessment methods for stations, establishing partnerships for cooperative funding or operation of gages, or prioritizing grant funding to support stations.
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