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Humptulips River Temperature Monitoring 2010

Publication number Date Published
11-10-045May 2011
VIEW NOW Humptulips River Temperature Monitoring 2010 (Number of pages: 9) (Publication Size: 254KB)

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Author(s) Dickes, Betsy
Description The Humptulips River is located in the southwestern portion of the Olympic Peninsula in Water Resource Inventory Area 22. The river is the western most tributary in the Chehalis River system. The objective for this study was to conduct continuous temperature monitoring during the critical summer 2010 season to determine if temperatures met the state’s water quality standards. Monitoring was limited to the West Fork Humptulips River and the East Fork Humptulips River. Sites were selected from the Washington State’s list of impaired water bodies (303(d) list). Five stations were sampled: three stations on the West Fork Humptulips River and two stations on the East Fork Humptulips River. Two sites met the water quality criteria. One monitoring site, located high in the West Fork watershed met the temperature criterion of the seven-day average daily maximum (7-DADMax) not exceeding 12°C. Another site in the East Fork Humptulips met its temperature criterion of 7-DADMax not exceeding 16°C. The supplemental water quality criterion of 13°C from September 15 through July 1 was not addressed in this study. It is recommended that monitoring be conducted at the Downstream of GoForth Creek and Near Campbell Tree Grove Campground site locations. Discussions should be initiated with USFS and the Chehalis Basin Partnership regarding plans for continued implementation of best management practices and plans for future monitoring efforts in the watershed.
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Contact Betsy Dickes at 360-407-6296 or
Keywords Chehalis River, resource, temperature, 303(d), water quality, monitoring, TREE
WEB PAGE Water Quality Improvement Project: Humptulips River Area: Temperature
DATA Environmental Information Management (EIM) #BEDI0017


Upper Humptulips River Watershed Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan) Submittal Report