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Voices of the Dungeness, Part 1 (with Rep. Steve Tharinger)

Publication number Date Published
11-11-089 November 2011

Author(s) Brian Walsh
Description Please see related web content below for link to video.

Washington State Rep. Steve Tharinger discusses the origin and purposes of the Local Leaders Water Management Work Group for the Dungeness Watershed. Water is needed to serve three vital interests -- agriculture, home building, and environmental protection and restoration. New approaches will be needed to meet these objectives, according to Tharinger. Video was shot on October 21, 2011.
Contact Water Resources Program at 360-407-6872
Keywords water management, WRIA 18, Dungeness Watershed, instream flows
WEB PAGE Voices of the Dungeness, Part 1
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 18 Elwah-Dungeness