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Lower Cherry Creek and Lower Ames Creek Watersheds Dissolved Oxygen Study

Publication number Date Published
12-03-037June 2012
VIEW NOW Lower Cherry Creek and Lower Ames Creek Watersheds Dissolved Oxygen Study (Number of pages: 72) (Publication Size: 8028KB)

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Author(s) Kardouni, J., and W. Marsh
Description Study results showed the waterbodies of the Lower Cherry Creek and Lower Ames Creek watersheds did not meet Washington State quality criteria for dissolved oxygen (DO) from early May through early July, 2011. The recently dredged agricultural waterway had the highest DO range, and Lateral A showed erratic diurnal signatures often reaching DO concentrations of 0 mg/L. Lower Cherry and Ames Creeks, tributaries to the Snoqualmie River, showed a lower range of DO concentrations diurnally and met the water quality criteria more frequently than other sites. Temperature did not appear to be the driving factor influencing DO fluctuations. Snoqualmie River streamflow may have affected its tributary DO concentrations.
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Contact James Kardouni at 360-407-6517 or
Keywords Ames Creek, Cherry Creek, watershed, dissolved oxygen
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 07 Snohomish
DATA Environmental Information Management (EIM) #jkar0003


Quality Assurance Project Plan: Cherry and Ames Creeks (Snoqualmie River Tributaries) Dissolved Oxygen Study