Title | Myron Lake (Yakima County) Verification Monitoring |
Myron Lake (Yakima County) Verification Monitoring (Number of pages: 38) (Publication Size: 1290KB)
Author(s) | Anderson, M.S. | ||||
Description | In 1988 and 1989, the state Department of Ecology and the state Department of Wildlife conducted an investigation into fish kills at Myron Lake. The fish kills were attributed to consumption of available oxygen during autumnal lake turnover. A hypolimnetic withdrawal was installed in Myron Lake to reduce oxygen demand. Myron Lake is on the 303(d) list for ammonia based on the 1988 sampling. This study focuses on determining if the conditions which led to Myron Lake’s inclusion on the 303(d) list are still present. Ammonia concentrations in Myron Lake remain highest in the hypolimnion, but all of the samples collected met Washington water quality standards. The data also suggest that the hypolimnetic drain is partially responsible for lower ammonia concentrations. |
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Contact | Michael S. Anderson at 509-662-0480 or mika461@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
Keywords | hypolimnetic drain, verification, Myron Lake, lakes, 303(d), fish kill, ammonia | ||||
WATERSHED | Water Resource Inventory Area 38 Naches | ||||
DATA | Environmental Information Management (EIM) #MIKA0002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Myron Lake (Yakima County) Verification Monitoring |
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