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Dungeness Bay Water Cleanup: Partnerships build success

Publication number Date Published
14-10-041August 2014
VIEW NOW Dungeness Bay Water Cleanup: Partnerships build success (Number of pages: 3) (Publication Size: 308KB)

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Author(s) Paul Pickett
Description In the 1990s Dungeness Bay was in trouble. Increasing bacteria levels led the Washington State Department of Health (WDOH) to close shellfish beds. With pollution closing shellfish beds and threatening the health of the surrounding community, Ecology, Jamestown S’Klallam tribe, Clallam County, the Clallam Conservation District, and the local Streamkeepers volunteer came together to create the Dungeness Clean Water Workgroup to begin cleanup. The efforts of these groups began to pay off, leading to WDOH allowing shellfish harvest for the first time in 2011.
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Contact Paul Pickett at 360-407-6882 or
Keywords shellfish beds, water quality story, water cleanup plan, bacteria
WEB PAGE Water Quality Stories
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 18 Elwha-Dungeness