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Wenner Lakes dam repair work

Publication number Date Published
14-11-009 August 2014

Description A contractor works to widen and deepen the spillway channel on the Chalfa Dam, one of two dams in the Wenner Lakes that did not collapse in heavy rains Aug. 21, 2014. Three of five dams collapsed in Finley Canyon southeast of Twisp because of spillways damaged and clogged by stormwater debris. To prevent more dam failures, Ecology is overseeing work to repair and shore up spillways on two of the five Wenner Lake dams that did not collapse in the heavy rains. All the dams are in a burn area from this summer’s wildfires. Dead trees and burned groundcover may have contributed to the storm debris that clogged spillways on the dams and caused the lakes to fill beyond the capacity of the dams.
Contact Water Resources at 360-407-6872
Keywords dams