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Proposal to close Metro Transit South Dearborn Consent Decree & Remove from Ecology’s Hazardous Sites List

刊物號碼 出版日期
15-09-212ZH October 2015
現在閱覽 Proposal to close Metro Transit South Dearborn Consent Decree & Remove from Ecology’s Hazardous Sites List (頁數: 1) (檔案大小: 253KB)
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作者 Maura O’Brien
描述 Ecology proposed to close the Consent Decree with King County Metro Transit (Metro). Metro has completed all cleanup tasks and has satisfied the cleanup requirements under the Consent Decree and the state cleanup regulations. Based on the cleanup of the Site, a deed restriction for groundwater is no longer required.
申請所需刊物 華盛頓州生態管理署負責所有華盛頓州環境保護改善和生態保育工作。請幫助我們達成我們的目標.申請或印制刊物時請考慮對環境的影響。

更多詳情請瀏覽 生態署網站。
聯絡人 Maura O’Brien at 425-649-7249 or
關鍵字 public comment period, consent decree, ground water monitoring, hazardous site list
網頁 Ecology’s Toxics Cleanup Website
環境整治工地 Cleanup Site ID: 6455

管理廠商地址 Facility Site ID: 65124715

相關刊物 刊物名稱:

Proposal to Close Consent Decree & Remove Site from Ecology’s Hazardous Sites List

Proposal to close Metro Transit South Dearborn Consent Decree & Remove from Ecology’s Hazardous Sites List

Proposal to close Metro Transit South Dearborn Consent Decree & Remove from Ecology’s Hazardous Sites List