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Manure and Groundwater Quality: Literature Review

Publication number Date Published
16-03-026June 2016
VIEW NOW Manure and Groundwater Quality: Literature Review (Number of pages: 148) (Publication Size: 1717KB)

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Author(s) Redding, M.
Description There are concerns about impacts to groundwater quality from manure generated at animal production facilities (CAFOs – concentrated animal feeding operations).

Land application of manure is a waste management tool that uses land treatment to beneficially reuse nutrients to grow a crop. If manure is not properly managed, it can affect groundwater quality.

This literature review is a tool to determine the state of the science to better support policy decisions that protect water quality. Research indicates that this typically occurs when (1) manure is applied in amounts greater than crops can use, (2) manure is applied when crops are not growing, (3) manured fields are over-irrigated, or (4) manure is stored in lagoons not constructed to a recognized standard.
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Contact Melanie Redding at 360-407-6524 or
Keywords literature review, manure, groundwater, CAFO
WEB PAGE Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation General Permit