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Hamilton Street Bridge cleanup site comment period information

DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Comment on this draft
Publication number Date Published
20-09-025September 2020
VIEW NOW Hamilton Street Bridge cleanup site comment period information (Number of pages: 4) (Publication Size: 514KB)
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Author(s) Erika Beresovoy
Description The Washington State Department of Ecology seeks your input on the following draft documents for a new development at the Hamilton Street Bridge cleanup site September 28 through October 27, 2020:

•Cleanup Action Plan amendment — explains how the new development will preserve the cleanup actions already in place, prevent contaminants from leaving the site during construction, and protect occupants of the new buildings

•Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree — legal agreement requiring Sagamore Spokane LLC to follow the Cleanup Action Plan amendment and Scope of Work as they redevelop property within the site

•Scope of Work and Schedule — details engineering, construction, and operations and monitoring reporting requirements, and the schedule for completing these milestones
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Contact Erika Beresovoy at 509-329-3546 or
Keywords Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA), Model Toxic Control Act, redevelopment, soil, toxics, cleanup, brownfield, contamination
WEB PAGE Hamilton Street Bridge cleanup site information
CLEANUP SITE Cleanup Site ID: 3509

FACILITY SITE Facility Site ID: 84461527


Enforcement Order Issued Hamilton Street Bridge Site

Hamilton Street Bridge Site

Hamilton Street Bridge Site