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Lower Skagit Tributaries Temperature Implementation Strategy

Publication number Date Published
20-10-010March 2020
VIEW NOW Lower Skagit Tributaries Temperature Implementation Strategy (Number of pages: 84) (Publication Size: 3166KB)

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Author(s) Water Quality Program
Description In 2004, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) published a study about high surface water temperatures in several tributaries to the Lower Skagit River. Ecology completed a Water Quality Improvement Report (WQIR or Total Maximum Daily Load/TMDL) in 2008 which described the severity of the impairment and restoration methods to reduce water temperatures. Reestablishing riparian forested buffers is the primary restoration practice needed to reduce water temperature. Forested buffers increase effective shade and reduce the potential of surface water heating. Numerous organizations are actively working in the Skagit River watershed to promote salmon recovery through plantings, easements, property acquisition, and other multi-benefit restoration practices. However, based on the historic and current rates of restoration, the TMDL’s goal of planting 100% of all riparian areas by 2020 will not be met.
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Keywords watershed health, tributaries, water quality improvement, temperature, 303(d), water quality, TMDL, Total Maximum Daily Load
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