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Pilchuck River Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load - Water Quality Implementation Plan

Publication number Date Published
20-10-035December 2020
VIEW NOW Pilchuck River Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load - Water Quality Implementation Plan (Number of pages: 237) (Publication Size: 14262KB)
Note: Pilchuck TMDL Appendices

Pilchuck River TMDL Appendices
(216 pages) (13MB)

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Author(s) Washington Department of Ecology
Description Improving water quality in the Pilchuck River watershed is needed to support the recovery of threatened cold water fish species that spawn, rear, or live there. Chinook, coho, sockeye, chum, and pink salmon, as well as bull trout and steelhead trout, call the Pilchuck River home. These fish species are highly valued by the many state residents that depend on them for cultural, recreational, or economic reasons. The Pilchuck River mainstem has been targeted for restoration of endangered Chinook salmon (Snohomish Basin Salmon Recovery Forum, 2005).

In response to these listings, Ecology collected data from 2012 to 2016 to characterize temperature and DO in the river. Ecology used these data to develop a water quality model to help determine the causes of impairment and develop management scenarios to improve water quality. Using these monitoring and modeling results, Ecology determined the wasteload and load allocations needed to meet water quality standards for the Pilchuck River and its tributaries. Ecology then used this information to develop this report, Pilchuck River Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load, Water Quality Improvement Report and Implementation Plan.
NOTES Final reviewed version
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Contact Danielle DeVoe at 360-407-6600
Keywords water quality improvement, temperature, water quality, TMDL, Total Maximum Daily Load, dissolved oxygen
WEB PAGE French & Pilchuck TMDL webpage