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Fargher Lake Grocery Groundwater Monitoring Results, April and July 2019: Data Summary Report

Publication number Date Published
21-03-006April 2021
VIEW NOW Fargher Lake Grocery Groundwater Monitoring Results, April and July 2019: Data Summary Report (Number of pages: 119) (Publication Size: 15704KB)

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Author(s) Carnes, J.
Description Fargher Lake Grocery is a gasoline station and convenience store near Yacolt, Washington, in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. In 1987, the domestic water supply well for the store was found to be contaminated with petroleum products. Site investigations indicated that the source of the contamination was one or more leaking underground storage tanks.

Between 1989 and 1993, Ecology removed six tanks and excavated nearly 600 tons of gasoline-contaminated soil. Groundwater samples collected in 1992 and 1993 documented petroleum contamination of groundwater in excess of the MTCA Method A cleanup levels. The total extent of the contaminant plume or the direction of groundwater flow was not characterized during the work conducted in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Activity at the site has been limited since the mid-1990s.

In 2019, Ecology sampled two wells at Fargher Lake Grocery. Sample results from a monitoring well located in the backfilled excavated area indicate that benzene is still present in excess of the MTCA Method A cleanup levels. A sample from a domestic well completed around a depth of 300 feet did not have detectable levels of BTEX compounds, petroleum hydrocarbons, or lead.
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Contact Jacob Carnes at 360-407-6764 or
Keywords BTEX, groundwater toxics, groundwater monitoring, petroleum hydrocarbons, lead
WEB PAGE Groundwater Assessment
DATA Environmental Information Management (EIM) #FS1045


Quality Assurance Project Plan: Shell Mart McKenzie Automotive and Fargher Lake Grocery Groundwater Assessment Monitoring