Title | Obsolete Archive: Urban Bays Program: A story map created by Ecology’s Marine Sediment Monitoring Team (Historical) |
VIEW NOW | This publication is historical. It is unavailable on our website. To request a copy, please use the contact listed below. | ||||
Author(s) | Marine Sediment Monitoring Team | ||||
Description | This publication was the archived storyboard for the “Urban Bays Program” story map, an online interactive report created by Ecology’s Marine Sediment Monitoring Team: storymaps.arcgis.com/collections/aaec1a6656ff43e098d209c75ce00244?item=4. The story map is part of the team’s new Sediment Quality in Puget Sound story map collection. It provided an overview of the Urban Bays component of the Puget Sound Sediment Monitoring Program, including a summary of characteristics of the six urban bay sampling frames studied: Bellingham Bay, Port Gardner/Everett Harbor, Elliott Bay, Bainbridge Basin, Commencement Bay, and Budd Inlet. The storyboard was created for archival purposes only. Click on the “SEDIMENT QUALITY IN PUGET SOUND STORY MAP COLLECTION” link* under WEB PAGE (below) to visit and interact with the online story map and collection to learn more about our Puget Sound Sediment Monitoring Program findings. *To open our story maps, use the latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge. |
The mission of the Department of Ecology is to protect, preserve, and enhance Washington’s environment. To help us meet that goal, please consider the environment before you print or request a copy.
ADA Accessibility The Department of Ecology is committed to providing people with disabilities access to information and services by meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Washington State Policy #188. Visit Ecology’s website for more information. |
Contact | Ecology Library at 360-407-6150 or EcologyLibrary@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
Keywords | urban bays, marine sediment monitoring, Puget Sound sediment monitoring, story map, Everett Harbor, Point Gardner, Elliott Bay, Bellingham Bay, Bainbridge basin, Sediment quality, invertebrates, Commencement Bay, Budd Inlet | ||||
WEB PAGE | Sediment Quality in Puget Sound story map collection |
Copyright © Washington State Department of Ecology. See https://ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Accountability-transparency/Our-website/Copyright-information.