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Quality Assurance Project Plan: White Salmon Watershed Bacteria Assessment

Publication number Date Published
23-03-103January 2023
VIEW NOW Quality Assurance Project Plan: White Salmon Watershed Bacteria Assessment (Number of pages: 37) (Publication Size: 1814KB)

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Author(s) Hanson, E., E. Newell, and E. Urmos-Berry
Description In 1998, three segments of the White Salmon River and four tributaries were listed under Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act for not meeting Washington State water quality standards for fecal coliform bacteria (FC). In the 2018 303(d) list, three segments of the White Salmon River, along with three tributaries and two ditches, were listed for FC.

In 2019, Washington revised the bacteria standards from FC to Escherichia coli bacteria (E. coli) (WAC 173-201A). Limited data for E. coli in the watershed is insufficient to determine if waters in the watershed meet the new E. coli standard.

This 2022-2024 study is designed to collect the necessary data. Nine sites will be monitored for E. coli and streamflow every other week for two years. Data collected from these sites will be used to identify stream segments with elevated bacteria levels, guide source identification monitoring studies, and provide data for future projects to achieve compliance with water quality standards.
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Contact Erik Hanson at 360-407-6764 or
Keywords QAPP, fecal coliform, bacteria, escherichia coli, White Salmon River
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 29 Wind-White Salmon
DATA Environmental Information Management (EIM) #ERHA0001