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Quality Assurance Project Plan: Hylebos Waterway Crab Tissue Study, Occidental Chemical Corporation

Publication number Date Published
23-03-115June 2023
VIEW NOW Quality Assurance Project Plan: Hylebos Waterway Crab Tissue Study, Occidental Chemical Corporation (Number of pages: 50) (Publication Size: 1521KB)

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Author(s) Rosewood-Thurman, M
Description During 2023, the Department of Ecology (Ecology) will complete a focused study to look for legacy toxic chemicals (toxics) that have been discontinued or banned in the U.S. Ecology is working with Occidental Chemical Corporation (Occidental) to address toxics that were created by past industrial operations next to the Hylebos Waterway.

The Hylebos Waterway is located on the northeast side of Commencement Bay in the Port of Tacoma. This study will try to determine if the toxics in the Hylebos Waterway can get into crab that are eaten by people in the community.

Previous studies have identified VOCs and SVOCs in sediments and in crab caught within Hylebos Waterway near the Occidental site. Ecology will repeat a crab tissue study and document each detail to see if toxics exist in crab “butter” and crab “meat” or if they are absent.

The results of this study will also provide information for EPA’s Government Performance and Response Act (GPRA) Performance Track for the CA 725 milestone. This work is within the goals of the Environmental Performance Partnership Agreement (PPA) between Ecology and EPA. The study results will be documented, reported, and integrated into the PPA Work Plan.
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Contact Meghan Rosewood-Thurman at 360-407-6764 or
Keywords QAPP, VOCs, SVOCs, toxics, Commencement Bay, quality assurance project plan, Puget Sound, Occidental, Occidental Site, Occidental Chemical Corporation, crab tissue, Hylebos Waterway
WEB PAGE Occidental Chemical Corporation cleanup
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 10 Puyallup-White

Occidental Chemical Corporation Feasibility Study Report, Agreed Order, and Related Documents: Responsiveness Summary