Title | Goobta Nadiifinta Duwamish Waterway Park |
DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT | Comment on this draft | ||||
Goobta Nadiifinta Duwamish Waterway Park (Number of pages: 6) (Publication Size: 1139KB)
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Author(s) | Ian Fawley | ||||
Description | Waaxdu bay'adu waxay heshiis sharci ah oo loo yaqan Amarka Lagu Heshiiyay la gashay Magaalada Seattle (Magaalada), Qofka Ka Masuul Noqonaya (Potentially Liable Person, PLP), iyo nadiifinta goobta Duwamish Waterway Park (Goobta) ee 7900 10th Avenue South, in Seattle. Amarka Lagu Heshiiyay waxa uu uga baahan yahay Magaalada inay ka jawaabto wasakhda Goobta. Waxa aanu doonaynaa fikirkaaga in aanu ka helno waraaqaha soo socda: Amarka Lagu Heshiiyay: waraaqaha sharciga ah waxay ku waajibinayaan Magaalada inay baadho mushkiladaha deegaanka, buuxiso Xalka Baadhitaanka (Remedial Investigation, RI), Qorshaha Daraasada (Feasibility Study, FS), iyo qabyo qoraalka Qorshe Hawleedka Nadiifinta (Cleanup Action Plan, dCAP). Qorshaha Kaqayb Galaha Shacabka: sharaxa sida waaxda Bay'ada ay ku wargelinayso bulshada wixii ku saabsan hawlaha goobta iyo qaababka looga qayb geli karo. | ||||
The mission of the Department of Ecology is to protect, preserve, and enhance Washington’s environment. To help us meet that goal, please consider the environment before you print or request a copy.
ADA Accessibility The Department of Ecology is committed to providing people with disabilities access to information and services by meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Washington State Policy #188. Visit Ecology’s website for more information. |
Contact | Ian Fawley at 425-324-5901 or Ian.fawley@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
Keywords | Seattle, public participation, Lower Duwamish Waterway, cleanup, MTCA, legal agreement | ||||
WEB PAGE | Duwamish Waterway Park cleanup site webpage | ||||
CLEANUP SITE | Cleanup Site ID: 15139 |
FACILITY SITE | Facility Site ID: 49919 |
የ Duwamish የውሃ ተፋሰስ ፓርክ ማጽጃ ጣቢያ Sitio de limpieza del Parque Duwamish Waterway ទីតាំងសម្អាតឧទ្យានផ្លូវទឹកឌុយវ៉ាមីស (Duwamish Waterway Park) Địa Điểm Tẩy Nhiễm Duwamish Waterway Park Duwamish Waterway Park清理站点 Duwamish Waterway Park Agreed Order and Public Participation Plan Fact Sheet |
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