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Spokane River Watershed, West Plains Area: Addendum 2 to Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan: Statewide PFAS Preliminary Assessments

Publication number Date Published
24-03-105December 2024
VIEW NOW Spokane River Watershed, West Plains Area: Addendum 2 to Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan: Statewide PFAS Preliminary Assessments (Number of pages: 29) (Publication Size: 1593KB)

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Author(s) Carnes, J.
Description Historical use of aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) for firefighting and training at Fairchild Air Force Base and potentially at Spokane International Airport has resulted in extensive groundwater contamination in the West Plains area, west of Spokane, WA. Off-base sampling conducted by the Air Force identified two municipal drinking water wells and 107 domestic drinking water wells in the West Plain area where concentrations of perfluorooctanoic acid + perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOA + PFOS) were above the 70 parts per trillion (ppt) screening level used by the Department of Defense.

Previous surface water sampling in the area on the Spokane River has been sparse. In 2016, samples collected by Ecology near Nine Mile Dam positively identified PFAS analytes at total concentrations near 10 ng/L. Four samples collected on the Spokane River by Eastern Washington University in March of 2024 had no detections for PFAS; however, flows on the Spokane River are generally high during the spring due to upstream release from the Post Falls dam, which will dilute contaminant concentrations.

For this project, we will collect surface water and shallow groundwater samples along the Spokane River and its tributaries between the Idaho state line and the downstream end of Long Lake. Determining whether contamination is reaching surface water will lead to a better understanding of the potential extent of impacts.
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Keywords Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), surface water, Spokane River, groundwater, West Plains, Fairchild Air Force Base, Spokane International Airport
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Areas
(WRIA 54,WRIA 55,WRIA 57)
DATA Environmental Information Management (EIM) #StatewidePFAS02


Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan: Statewide PFAS Preliminary Assessments