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2022-2023 Washington Statewide Recycling & Organics Characterization Study

Publication number Date Published
24-07-007July 2024
VIEW NOW 2022-2023 Washington Statewide Recycling & Organics Characterization Study (Number of pages: 133) (Publication Size: 3264KB)

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Author(s) Washington Department of Ecology and Cascade Consulting Group
Description The 2022-2023 Recycling and Organics Characterization Study characterizes commingled Inbound and Outbound Recycling and Inbound Organics from a representative selection of facilities throughout Washington state. The Department of Ecology (Ecology) commissioned Cascadia Consulting Group (Cascadia) to complete this four-season study. The main objective of this study is to track the types, quantities, waste generating sectors, systems of collection, and recoverability potential of materials in the recycling collection and processing system and the organics collection system. The findings of this study are included in this report and will allow Ecology, local governments, and other interested parties to assess trends over time and across geographic areas, generator types, and materials to support data-driven decision-making at the state and local levels.
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Keywords recycle, recycled, recycling data, organics, recyclable materials, recyclable material, recycling, organic, organics management