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Morningside Acres Cleanup Site

DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Comment on this draft
Publication number Date Published
24-09-176SOSeptember 2024
VIEW NOW Morningside Acres Cleanup Site (Number of pages: 6) (Publication Size: 1157KB)
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Author(s) Kristen Forkeutis
Description The Department of Ecology (Ecology) waxay kormeeraysaa nadiifinta Morningside Acres Site (Goobta) ee xaafadda Columbia City ee Koonfurta Seattle. Hormarka Waxtarka leh ee SouthEast (SouthEast Effective Development, SEED), oo ah shirkad horumarin ahaaneed oo aan macaash doon ahayn oo ku taala Koonfurta Seattle, ayaa nadiifinaysa goobtan. Waxaan kugu casuumaynaa inaad faalo ka bixiso dhukumiintiyada soo socda:

Wareegtada Ogolaanshaha Iibashada (Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree, PPCD): heshiis sharci ah oo faraya iibsadaha (yaasha) inay ka hirgeliyaan nadiifinta goobta oo siisa iibsadaha(yaasha) bixinta maaliyadeed.

Qorshaha Ka Qaybqaadashada Dadweyne: dhukumuunti sharaxaya sida dadku uga qayb qaadan karaan habka nadiifinta.
NOTES Seattle Public Library Columbia Branch 4721 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA 98118 For document review assistance, please contact: Kristen Forkeutis Kristen Forkeutis, Outreach Specialist 425-240-4353
The mission of the Department of Ecology is to protect, preserve, and enhance Washington’s environment. To help us meet that goal, please consider the environment before you print or request a copy.

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The Department of Ecology is committed to providing people with disabilities access to information and services by meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Washington State Policy #188.
Visit Ecology’s website for more information.
Contact Toxics Cleanup Program, Northwest Region at 206-594-0000 or
Keywords Seattle, volatile organic compounds (VOC), cleanup site, comment period, petroleum, MTCA, contamination, Columbia City
WEB PAGE Morningside Acres cleanup site webpage
CLEANUP SITE Cleanup Site ID: 12408

FACILITY SITE Facility Site ID: 4321


Morningside Acres Cleanup Site Fact Sheet 2024

Morningside Acres የጽዳት ቦታ

Morningside Acres موقع تنظيف

Sitio de limpieza Morningside Acres

Địa Điểm Cần Dọn Dẹp Morningside Acres

Morningside Acres 清理场地