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Deschutes River Basin Instream Resources Protection Program

Publication number Date Published
80-IRPP-13June 1980
VIEW NOW Deschutes River Basin Instream Resources Protection Program (Number of pages: 83) (Publication Size: 1MB)

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Author(s) Water Resources Program
Description The Western Washington Instream Resources Protection Program develops instream resources protection measures for the 26 water resource inventory areas found in Western
Washington. Ecology formed a multidisciplinary interagency team to develop information for determining the measures necessary to protect the instream resources in the Deschutes River Basin (WRIA 13). The results are the administrative rules designed to protect instream flow levels and minimize adverse impacts resulting from future water appropriations within the Deschutes River Basin.

Instream resources include fish, wildlife, recreation, navigation, water quality, scenic and
aesthetic values, and other environmental factors which may be adversely affected by both
natural and man-caused factors within the Deschutes Basin.
In accordance with administrative rules (Chapter 173-513 WAC), adopted on June 20, 1980,
Deschutes River tributaries and the independent drainages of Woodland Creek, including Long
Lake, Patterson Lake, Hicks Lake, Woodward Creek, and McLane Creek, will be closed to
further out-of-stream consumptive appropriation. The Deschutes River main stem will be closed
only from April 15 through October 31. Instream flows will be in effect for the Deschutes River
at Control Station No. 12-0800-00 for November 1 through April 14.
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Contact Water Resources Program at 360-407-6872
Keywords stream, Deschutes, creek, rule, rules, resource, flow, fish, basin, river, water, instream flow
WEB PAGE Instream Flows in Washington
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 13 Deschutes

Instream Resources ProtectionProgram–Deschutes River Basin, Water ResourceInventory Area (WRIA) 13