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Responsiveness Summary Amendment to Chapter 173-563 WAC Instream Resources Protection Program for the Main Stem Columbia River in Washington State and New Chapter 173-564 Water Resources Management Program for the Main Stem of the Snake River in WA state (Historical)

Publication number Date Published
92-11-002November 1992
VIEW NOW This publication is historical. It is unavailable on our website. To request a copy, please use the contact listed below.
Author(s) Water Resources
Description On December 20, 1991 the listing of Snake River sockeye salmon as an endangered species by the National Marine Fisheries Service under the authority of the federal Endangered Species Act took effect. Numerous additional natural fish stocks in the Columbia and Snake basins are also regarded by fishery experts as weak or declining.

These actions and concerns are creating significant, fundamental changes along the Snake and Columbia Rivers. The Governors of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana have agreed that the impacts of the Act on the region can be controlled if the states develop a comprehensive regional program to rebuild the stocks listed under the Act.
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Keywords public hearings, rules, Columbia River, salmon, ground water